Be your own
kind of beautiful

A Sense of Home and How You Can Get Involved


In a world often plagued by challenges and adversity, acts of kindness and compassion transcend boundaries. Recently, the YSE Beauty and Molly Sims Production teams volunteered with A Sense of Home, beautifully exemplifying the power of collective action in making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

According to recent data, approximately 20,000 young adults age out of the foster care system each year in the United States, and within 18 months, 40-50% of them experience homelessness. A Sense of Home (ASOH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing homelessness by creating sustainable homes for aged-out foster youth. They also offer an expansive network of resources including financial literacy training, educational scholarships, therapy, trauma-informed healing, referrals for job placement, and job training. With a mission to end homelessness before it begins, ASOH provides crucial support by furnishing and decorating homes for those transitioning out of foster care, ensuring they have a stable environment to thrive in.

A Sense of Home matched the YSE Beauty and Molly Sims Productions teams with a young woman named Taneil Franklin who recently secured her first apartment after aging out of foster care.

Taneil works a few jobs, including advocating for former foster youth and people experiencing homelessness. She’s also in her last semester pursuing an Associate in Arts degree in Political Science and hopes to transfer to Howard University to continue her her higher education. Ultimately, she hopes to work in philanthropy and advocacy, while also enjoying her hobbies like exploring the great outdoors and traveling.

Our foster youth experience does not define who we are. It doesn’t define who you are or where you’ll be. You can be successful and follow your dreams, no matter where you come from.

– Taneil

The team rolled up their sleeves, and unloaded, assembled, and arranged furniture in Taneil’s apartment. Every detail was meticulously planned to create a warm and welcoming environment for her. The experience wasn’t just about physical labor; it was about fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In just a few hours filled with many stories, a lot of laughter, and newfound friendships, this empty house was transformed into the loveliest home for Taneil, making it her very own sanctuary to find peace and comfort in, grow and build in, and a source of empowerment for her to pursue her dreams.

Having a place to call home is amazing. i’ll be able to have a peace of mind, and you can’t put a price-tag on that.

– Taneil

This team effort serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of giving back to our communities. In a world often characterized by individualism and self-interest, acts like these reaffirm our shared humanity. They remind us that we are all connected. Ultimately, the work of organizations like A Sense of Home and the dedication of volunteers exemplify the true essence of community and compassion. As we reflect on their efforts, let us be inspired to look for opportunities to give back, whether through volunteering, donations, or acts of kindness. For in lifting others, we elevate ourselves, and together, we can create a world where everyone has a place to call home.

From book drives, to sponsoring a home, to volunteering, and much more, there are SO many way for you to get involved with the amazing work A Sense of Home does. Click HERE to explore further opportunities to get involved and make a truly large impact in your community and someone’s life.

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