Even with my family’s crazy schedule, I still make it a priority to make home cooked meals whenever possible. Not only is it less expensive but it’s healthier, too!
As you may know, I’m a huge believer in “Meatless Mondays.” Even if it’s just once a week (I like to do more!) cutting meat out of your diet can make a huge difference. There are so many yummy and satisfying plant-based proteins available. So, why wouldn’t you?! Quinoa, lentils, beans, spirulina, tofu … just to name a few! It can be hard at first, especially if you are a meat-lover, but start by gradually adding in more veggies and healthy grains into your diet when you can. When you feel comfortable, try replacing at least one full meal a day with a plant based option!
I’ll be honest, I am OB-sessed with a pasta dish. I can’t indulge as often as I like but when I do I try to make it as healthy as possible! This fall, the eggplants in my garden are in full swing. I definitely wanted to try to implement these purple beauties in some recipes.
This jam-packed veggie pasta dish inspired by Real Simple is perfect for a “Meatless Monday” paired with a glass of red wine. Enjoy!