Be your own
kind of beautiful

Lipstick on the Rim: Ultimate Mega Babe, Katie Sturino, Talks All the Taboo Topics: Boob Sweat, Thigh Chafe, B.O. and More


A ‘multi-hyphenate’ is a word that gets thrown around a lot—but Katie Sturino defines the very meaning. An entrepreneur, author, body acceptance advocate, and so much more, she’s a true trailblazer in this crazy world we live in. Her forward-thinking disposition has set her apart, and so has the fact that she’s completely herself—it’s infectious and proves the power of authenticity and conviction within oneself to make a difference. We had such an interesting conversation about topics our society has ridden taboo, from body positivity and accepting women of all sizes (and accepting ourselves) to chafing thighs and boob sweat. In creating the mega-brand, Megababe, Katie is gracefully breaking down barriers one stigma at a time.

[Katie] On Starting Megababe

“I don’t think a lot of people know this but I started Megababe a few years after my fashion platform, which, I think what’s really interesting about that is that I started my platform to try to talk to women who were plus size and I ended up talking to women of all sizes. I realized fast that women of all sizes are dissatisfied with their body and I think that is such bullshit. What’s the point of someone who’s my size trying to get into a size two if the girl who’s a size two isn’t even happy? I started Megababe because there was nothing out there for me to stop chafe. I was using really embarrassing products.”

[Katie] On Body Positivity 

“I’m a size 18, 20 now, and I went through a divorce seven years ago and I gained a lot of weight. People think in order to date after a divorce you have to lose weight, be young, you have to do these two key things. I found the love of my love at my heaviest weight. I started dating at 36. I just like to say that because I think for anyone out there who is going through something like that, it’s so much more about your own attitude with yourself and not what’s actually happening. It was about my vibe and confidence in myself—that’s what people are attracted to and what they pick up on. It’s about the way you talk to yourself in the mirror. I wrote a book called Body Talk and it’s a workbook that you do yourself to start your relationship with your body over again. You identify your mascot which is the age you were when you last remembered not caring about your body and living in your body, living life.”

Katie’s Beauty Must-Haves:

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