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kind of beautiful

DIY Herbal Facial Steam

Skin care starts with a daily regimen. Taking the time every morning and night will add up to younger, healthier skin. Like I’ve mentioned before, my skin has definitely given me trouble over the years. From eczema to hormonal acne, I’ve experienced my share! Maintaining good skin doesn’t always mean expensive facials and procedures at the dermatologist or spa. There are also DIY treatments you can make to get healthy, dewy skin all from the comfort of your own home.

I’ve continuously raved about the use of DIY skin masks especially for those that want a more budget-friendly option. There’s also nothing an at-home facial can’t fix. You get to do it on your own time and don’t have to squeeze it in during business hours. Now I’m not talking about a full-on extraction (please, please, please leave that to the professionals.) If not done correctly, it can leave scars and that’s never pretty. I’m talking about a good, old-fashioned steam.

Steaming does way more than just provide a relaxing and calm atmosphere. It also boosts circulation, hydrates the skin, unclogs pores, and creates and promotes a healthy glow.

Whenever I feel like my pores are filled with gunk, I love to do an at-home steam. I instantly feel more refreshed! Fortunately, you don’t need a fancy spa machine to reap the benefits. Here are some helpful steps to create a spa sanctuary in your own home:

  • FIND YOUR LOCATION: Choose an area of your home where you feel the most relaxed. I tend to like to steam in my bathroom where I can dim the lights and create a calming atmosphere…away from the craziness. But, even your kitchen table will work. Place a towel on the surface to avoid any spills.
  • BOIL YOUR WATER: Using a kettle to boil your water. I usually will boil 1-2 quarts. You will be pouring the water into a separate bowl so it’s fine if you make extra. Once boiled, pour water into a medium-sized metal bowl or pot. It MUST be metal; plastic will melt.
  • ADD SOME ESSENTIALS: For added relaxation and pore-cleansing magic, add in some dried herbs and essential oils. There are specific ingredients that you should add depending on your needs. (I’ve included a recipe at the bottom of the page.)


Add a few drops of lavender/chamomile essential oil if you are feeling stressed. This calming scent is also a great cure for insomnia. A lavender steam before bed will promote a great night sleep.


Throw some leaves in the mix if you feel a cold coming on. It’s nature’s decongestant and also helps relax you physically and emotionally.


Fresh or dried rosemary leaves is great for acne-prone or oily skin. Be careful not to use during pregnancy, though. The scent can be a little strong!


The astringent property of the oil is an instant pick-me-up for tired and clogged skin.


A wonderful, natural toner and also a fresh, relaxing scent.


Lemon or orange peels added to the steam can boost serotonin just by the scent. A great steam to do in the morning for a boost of energy!

  • TIME TO STEAM: Hold your face over the water for up to ten minutes about six inches away from bowl. Place a second towel over your head to feel more of the steam’s effect. With that said, steam should feel soothing and not burning hot on your face. If it seems too much, let it cool for a bit.
  • RINSE: One of the most important things you can do after steaming is rinse with a splash of cool water. The steam has opened your pores and the splash of cool closes them. Finish by massaging your face with a hydrating serum or moisturizer.

Here’s a mixture that I love to make at home. It also is a creative and beautiful gift to give. I like to make my mixtures in bulk and save for later in pretty glass containers.


At-Home Spa Steam

(For Normal Skin)

Mix together equal amounts of:

  • Dried Rose Petals
  • Geranium Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil Or Peel
  • Dried Lavender

Not down to DIY? Fig & Yarrow sells their own special made steam mixes that I am OB-SESSED with! They even have some specially made per season.

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